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Project Picture book "Pantanal"

Trailer "Pantanal"

Book description

The Pantanal is the largest and most biodiverse tropical inland wetland and one of the last great wild areas on earth. Covering an area of over 200,000 square kilometres, it is located in the states of Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul in the west of Brazil and in the heart of South America. Small parts of the wetland extend into the neighbouring states of Bolivia and Paraguay. It is a large flat basin surrounded by mountain ranges. During the rainy season (from November to April) it fills up like a huge pool. In summer, the water level drops again and the animals gather at the few pools and waterholes that still have water. The cycles repeat themselves year after year.

The author and photographer spent several months in the Pantanal during the dry and rainy seasons and created a unique portrait of the landscape, the animals and the people who live there in his book.

One part of the illustrated book shows the jaguar in its various behaviours and occupations (chilling, foraging, hunting, family, mating,...). The text sections are a combination of stories and explanations, as are the captions.

Format & features

  • 224 pages, with over 190 excellent colour photographs, consisting of landscapes (90% area), 15 mammal species, 36 bird species and 18 amphibians and reptiles as well as the pantaneiros and ribeinrinhos living there,
  • 30 x 24 cm in landscape format
  • High-quality paper, elegant design with matt cover material and dust jacket
  • Texts in German and English


Martin Koeppert is a photographer, explorer and globetrotter who has travelled to 95 countries and all continents. His expeditions are planned and carried out individually and according to his own travel plans. Depending on the territorial conditions, requirements and complexity of the projects, teams of guides, helpers and, if necessary, biologists are put together.

are put together. His aim is to document the unique habitats with their flora, fauna and the people living there. Critical attention is also focussed on ecological problems and environmental issues. His expeditions take him to the most remote, but also well-known places, if they are interesting and exciting.